Crime in England and Wales: year ending December 2017 release pages

Summary pages in this release

  • Crime in England and Wales

    Released: 26 April 2018

    Crime against households and adults, also including data on crime experienced by children, and crimes against businesses and society.

  • Fraud in England and Wales

    Released: 26 April 2018

    Attempted fraud and fraud offences involving a loss. Including cyber crime, computer misuse, false accounting, and banking and credit industry fraud.

  • Violent crime in England and Wales

    Released: 26 April 2018

    Violent crime including minor assaults, harassment and psychological abuse, wounding, physical assault and death.

  • Weapons crime in England and Wales

    Released: 26 April 2018

    Crime involving knives, guns, and other types of weapon.

Datasets used in this release

Summary tables in this release

  • Summary table page title

    Released: 26 April 2018

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