Homicide: year ending December 2017

Homicide in England and Wales, including murder, manslaughter, corporate manslaughter and infanticide.

Release date: 26 April 2018
Next release: 19 July 2018 (provisional)

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Three-year rise in homicides continues

Latest police recorded figures show that there were 54 more homicides than the previous year, a 9% increase, to 653.

Police recorded crime data are not designated as National Statistics.

This continues an upward trend seen in homicides since March 2014, indicating a change to the long-term fall seen in the previous decade.

These figures exclude the London and Manchester terrorist attacks in 2017. They also exclude the 96 cases of manslaughter from the Hillsborough disaster which were recorded in 2016.

Although the deaths at Hillsborough occurred in 1989, an inquest returned a verdict of manslaughter and therefore was recorded as a homicide in the year 2016.

Homicides involving a knife or sharp instrument rose from 209 to 264, an increase of 26% in the last year.

The number of homicides per 1 million people has fallen 17% in the last decade

The volume of homicides has generally decreased while the population has grown.

The homicide rate fell 17% between the year ending March 2007 and the year ending December 2017, from 14 homicides per 1 million of the population to 12 homicides per 1 million, although small increases have been seen in the last two years.

This contrasts with the trend seen from the early 1960s up to the early 2000s, when the number of homicides grew faster than the population – from 300 per year to over 800 per year.

2% decrease in death or serious injury caused by unlawful driving

In contrast with recent years, police recorded a 2% fall in this sub-category of homicide – 718 offences compared with 732 in the previous three months.

Homicide data

This page mainly reports on data from the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) and police recorded crime.

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More information on both these sources can be found in the User guide to crime statistics for England and Wales.

The Home Office Homicide Index is a separate source of data on homicide in England and Wales. It is published annually, and is a richer source of data than the police recorded crime figures used on this page.

Using homicide data

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Mark Bangs
+44 (0)2075 928689

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